Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Termite Treatment In Termite Treatment, Why Do They Have To Drill Into The Concrete Slab Foundation Of My House?

In termite treatment, why do they have to drill into the concrete slab foundation of my house? - termite treatment

For the latest news, termites eat wood not concrete! But now the treatment against termites seeking permission to drill into the concrete slab on which my house sits. Why? I'm not a satisfactory answer to this problem.


Lar said...

This seems to be on your plate before you build ... ... In all areas of sanitation penetrate into the plate, there is a potential for the entry of termites in the house. Here is a certain closeness sanitation .... can be considered in isolation from all the copper creates an access tunnel by the termites. ...
Here are some other areas of the house are likely to have to drill ...

For What It's Worth ... If you are an entity, which can be reduced with Termidor, if they drill sectors only, and even more protection than the protection for other liquids, as necessary, in order to get any penetration Plumbing treatment offered

jsied96 said...

Termites live in the soil, should be added to the treatment on the ground, no wood.

To treat it correctly, the termites to spray the soil around the house and drill through the concrete slab on pesticides in the soil to add at the local level. They do not deal in wood or concrete. Applied in the new building, the treatment on the ground before pouring the plate. Drilling through the plate is not uncommon in situations like yours.

Depending on the amount of damages that might replace the sill with a wood processing done this, small sections at a time.

Carina said...

I want to call a termite company and ask them what their procedures for dealing with termites, and then ask them what they're tryin to make you go home, something that is desirable, but at least about 2 or 3 companies to call and what to see this they say.

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