Sunday, January 17, 2010

Infiniti Of Melbourne Is It Absolutely Necessary To Use 93 Octane Gas In An Infiniti G35 And Why?

Is it absolutely necessary to use 93 octane gas in an Infiniti G35 and why? - infiniti of melbourne

The manual indicates this is necessary. The same goes for the Infiniti dealer. I have in the tanks, if 87 octane and the car seems to work so well.


I <3 my Suby. said...

Wow, you spent 35,000 a good car and now wonder if it's okay up to $ 2 by a gas-saving tank is not recommended by the manufacturer? New ECU will take smart enough to time the first signs of a stroke and what they feel works the car good claim, but that does not mean it is. You may have lost some strength and you have to give too much gas on a hot day can cause engine damage. Auto manufacturers are on the engine run on premium fuel in order to have a car as efficiently as possible. You need to purchase if he does it ruin the engine. If you're so broke that the funds require a deposit of $ 2 to register, you must have bought a cheaper car.

tricky said...

Iam afraid that if the manual says that the best thing to do, but you can reduce fuel in the car and maybe run some time, but works very badly.

You will always be people who say they go with the lowest octane fuel, and safe, but the cars are tested to run on the fuel, he said, I have to go 12 miles round trip just to get higher octane fuel .

Ed G said...

If the manual says "required", it says. When this manual says "for best performance" or something like that, it is not.

Mr. KnowItAll said...

However, the engines are tested for performance with a higher octane rating, so that the use of lower octane, the maximum power reduction, but there is nothing wrong.

Angel_Th... said...

Yes, all you need, when you say it ... effective operation of gas could do tons of damage to other parts of the car ... You do not know, it's too late ...

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