Sunday, December 6, 2009

Coconut And Diverticulitis How Do You Crack A Coconut Open On A Deserted Island?

How do you crack a coconut open on a deserted island? - coconut and diverticulitis

I know how to do it in my kitchen ... But, you do not have on a tropical island and not on the tools available, you're hungry and everything around coconut trees. How to break a coconut is exactly what is available, without spilling the milk? Is there a survival technique?

Also, as the Islanders open their coconuts? Use special tools, or simply use what is available?

1 comment:

scobranc... said...

See the movie Cast Away with Tom Hanks? It is a must for all those who are down on a deserted island. I think we could break a coconut on a rock all day and not very far. You first need the fuselage. I think our hero is a shell or rock-cutting with the grain (from top to bottom). Then drag the shell (even if it requires some effort). Now you are ready to break that open with a rock and have a little coconut festival.

However, we should not forget to learn to make a fire, and if we had in May, we have on our own work-in the case of dentistry that we are here to stay.

In real life, I saw him with a machete in which only the upper cut.

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