Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Antique What Should I Do With The Antique Buffet?

What should I do with the antique buffet? - antique

I have a small hand in the first was my husband's family for years. This is an urgent need something! I can not decide if I will be repainted or need to stop by an ancient white pain - What do you think will look best?


Lisa M said...

It depends on what kind of wood is painted oak of.If I paint it.You it.I could value.If is leaf, leading to threaten me or paint Shabby Chic Antique style.Good Luck

Rosemary S said...

I love antique furniture and chose to the piece so it fits into your existing facility closure.

However, if you put this cage, because you can not get rid of yourself, why not also give a more modern look, either with paint or a model or even a slab of marble for him.

If you show no side doors, why not take the place of the panels, glass doors, and install lights on the back of some of his favorite parts service.

If all else fails, take a good photo of her for the family albums and then sell it and buy what you really want.

nickdmd said...

How valuable is the issue for you? Painted surfaces always sounds a little wrong, and it's hard to go back once they have been painted furniture.

Retouching can be risky, especially if the piece is a wooden base with a thin layer is formed on the surface. Plaques tend to increase over the base of the timber when the application of any type of splitter or reworked. If the piece is interesting for you, I suggest Refinisher in conjunction with a professional editing and get a quote for a job quality.

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